The Diné People are one of the few Native tribes that still use their Native Language in everyday communication. To be able to speak the language you touch the heart of the Diné People. It greatly describes the lifestyle and keeps our culture alive.
Through the years St. Michaels Special Education has provided opportunities to educate both Diné and non-Diné students in learning and experiencing the beauty of the Diné language, cultural traditions and lifestyles. With the unique population of adaptations and assistive technology, we are able to have our children participate in cultural values.
St. Michaels Association for Special Education follows the Diné Education Content Standards, Division of Diné Education, and uses materials from the office of Diné Standards, curriculum and assessment, as well as the Thematic Units on Seasonal Themes. Our staff then modifies these activities and curriculum to meet the needs and education levels of our students and clients.
On November 2, we will close out the Fall as we celebrate SMASE Native American Indian Day. Our students will demonstrate and participate in activities related to kinship, roles and respect and sample Native foods.
Yá’át’ééh, shi eí Jovita Curtis yinishyé. ‘Adóone’é nishłinígíí’ eí Lok’aai dine’é nishłį Naakai din’é í báshíshchíín. Tł’izilani eí dashicheii nááná Tàbąąhi eí dahchinálí.